Publication Ethics
- Reporting. Author must present the results of research and articles honestly and clearly, without any data manipulation. The Article must clearly include the source of the citation by CLSDEV journal writing guidelines.
- Originality and plagiarism. Author must ensure that the article sent to the editor is original, sourced from their own ideas and writings, and not traced in part or in full from another article. Other relevant publications and used as references, both others articles or the writers themselves, should be cited in the writing.
- Repeat publishing. Author must guarantee that the articles sent to CLSDEV has never been published in a journal or other publication (chapters in books, articles in newspapers and so on). If the article sent to CLSDEV has previously been sent to another journal but has not been published, the author must include a letter of revocation of the article from the previous journal.
- Citation. Author must ensure that all data used, citations referred to in the article have been checked and clearly stated the source of the citation. If the data or source used requires permission from the institution or the original author, author must take care of it before sending the article to CLSDEV.
- Writing mistake. If author discovers writing errors, such as mistake in citing sources, error in presenting data and so on, author must immediately contact CLSDEV editor before the article is published. Errors discovered after the articles is published are the sole responsibility of the author.
- Conflict of interest. Author may have a conflict of interest in the form of funding, employment, political affiliation or other conflicts of interest related to the research conducted. For example, the researcher examines the company where the author works, or examines a company that happens to be the main sponsor of the research. Author must state the possibility of a conflict of interest honestly which more or less influences the results of the article.
- Objectivity. Editor ensures that the editing process is conducted purely with scientific and academic considerations.
- Transparency. Article review process should be conducted transparently. The editor's decision to accept, reject or return an article to be revised by the author is accompanied by clear reasons. The editor must guarantee that the authors have the right to be given information openly about the status of their articles, process and reasons for an article to be accepted, rejected or corrected.
- Information of publication and review process. Editor must ensure that writing guidelines for authors can be accessed easily, both print and electronic. Editor also provides review guidelines for reviewers.
- Fair play. Editor ensures that the decision to edit an article includes deciding whether to accept or reject the articles, based on purely scientific considerations, regardless of gender, religious background, ethnicity, political affiliation and so on. If articles must be selected due to consideration of limited allocation of journal page, the choice of article is based on objective considerations regarding the quality of the articles.
- Unpublished articles. Editor must notify authors if their articles cannot be published by CLSDEV. Editor is not allowed to use data or article that is not published for other purposes without the authors’ permission.
- Confidentiality. Review process is conducted in a blind reader. Editor must ensure that they do not notify the reviewer about the authors being reviewer. Editors must guarantee the confidentiality of both the author and data in the articles.
- Objectivity. Reviews should be conducted objectively with academic and scientific considerations. Review process is carried out objectively and professionally regardless of gender, religious background, race, ethnicity, citizenship, political partnership and so on.
- Transparency. Article review process should be conducted transparently. The decision to accept, reject or return the article to be revised by the author, is accompanied by clear reasons. If an article is decided to be rejected, reviewer gives a clear reason for being rejected. If an article is decided to be revised by the author, reviewer points out the part that must be revised so that it can be a guide for the writer to improve the article.
- Reference source. Peer review must ensure that the articles reviewed have met good writing standards. Reviewer must check whether the reference sources have been cited correctly. If there is a citation error, reviewer notifies the editor.
- Originality and plagiarism. Articles issued by CLSDEV must be free from plagiarism. Reviewer can notify CLSDEV editor if there is an indication of the plagiarism of the article that was examined. Editor must confirm and further examine the plagiarism indication found by the reviewer.
- Conflict of interest. Reviewers tell the editor honestly if they happen to be reviewing an article that has a conflict of interest with them. Such as the author is their colleague, involved as a research team member, the topic written is the institution where the reviewer works and so on.
- Deadlines. Reviewer must complete the article review process according to the agreed time, which is in 2 weeks. If reviewer needs additional time or is likely to not be able to complete the review process on time, they must notify the CLSDEV editor.